Latest Episodes
21.04.04 Resurrection -- Matthew 28
Good EASTER morning to you my “Walking with Jesus” friends. This day is unlike any other! In every time-zone of the world, Christians will...
21.04.03 Dark Saturday -- Luke 23
While all of us have had deep disappointments in life, and most of us have endured times of deep and prolonged grief, especially in...
21.04.02 Garden Agony -- Matthew 26:36-75
Hello my “Walking with Jesus” friends on this historic day which is still shaping our world, 2000 years after it happened! Many people call...
21.04.01 Counselor -- John 16:7-15
Today is sometimes called “Maundy Thursday”, the day before what many people call “Good Friday.” Around the world, many people today will be reflecting...
21.03.31 Traitor -- John 13:21-38 and John 14:1-7
“Traitor” and “Betrayed” are among the most painful words spoken, aren’t they? Few things are more traumatic than being betrayed by a person who...
21.03.30 Upper Room -- John 13:1-31
Down through history very important meetings have taken place ‘behind closed doors’ with results which have shaped our world. Political agreements have been reached...