Latest Episodes
21.03.20 Selection -- Luke 6:12-16
How does the selection process work for you? Selections are something we watch happen as a normal part of life in every part of...
21.03.19 Bethesda -- John 5
How does one respond to hope after nearly 40 years of ‘hopelessness’? Two weeks from today is Good Friday and in these days I’m...
21.03.18 Unconditional Love -- Mark 2:1-17
How do we recognize “unconditional love” when we experience it? Have you ever attended something that was so popular the place could not accommodate ...
21.03.17 Peer Pressure -- Mark 1:29-45
How do we handle the pressure… social media pressure; cancel culture pressure; politically correct pressure. . . etc.? In recent months we’ve had many ...
21.03.16 Rejection -- Luke 4:16-37
“Rejection” seems to be widespread in every society in 2021, especially with ‘cancel culture’ and social media pressure. So, how did Jesus handle it?...
21.03.15 Distance Help -- John 4:43-54
How close does God have to be to the problem to solve it? What are you facing today that could greatly benefit from God’s...