Latest Episodes
21.03.13 Convinced -- John 14:14-42
What is required before you will admit you have been convinced about something? We’ve all had the experience… we are a part of something...
21.03.12 Well Encounter -- John 4
When is the last time you had an unexpected encounter with someone which turned out to be life changing for both of you? Have...
21.03.11 For God So Loved -- John 3:16
How do we understand the most famous words ever spoken in all of human history? Have you ever found yourself in a conversation or...
21.03.10 Rebirth -- John 3:1-21
How is the most amazing miracle you or I will ever experience possible? I have a question for us today: In all of your...
21.03.09 Priorities -- John 2:12-20
How much difference does it make in a life, a relationship and leadership when priorities are God honoring vs. when they are selfish, deceitful...
21.03.08 A Wedding -- John 2:1-12
What makes a wedding so wonderful and what can ruin a wedding? Here’s a wedding you won’t forget! As we begin a new work...